I found this book by Jeffrey Vallance called 'Blinky'. It is about the author going down to a local supermarket, buying a frozen hen and then burying it like you would bury a human being. The story shows how he buys a casket, what is written on the hens head stone and even how much all the expenses came too...
There is a total air of mystery about this book. Who knows if it's taking the michael or trying to prove a point...I'm not even sure if i like or dislike it, all i know is that it totally stands out to me and makes me think 'what the hell?' and not walk away from it quickly.
Why Blinky? Why bother? The book almost seems so odd it does a complete 360 and by the time your finished reading the perfectly sensible copy you are thinking...yeah, why not just go and buy a hen and bury it?
I think probably it's the complete weirdness and total lack of reason that makes this book sort of work.
god this is so werid! cool though cause you really don't know what it's going on about! where did you find it?
I just totally fell upon it...which i guess is the only way to discover a book like this! Totally caught my eye, same reason as you really just really didn't know what it was on about!
what a unique book. I think its great though due to the randomness of it. And like you said Suzy it is so weird that if sticks in your memory, and due to this it actually becomes more appealing to buy and explore.
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