Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was a known eccentric throughout his life time, being sacked from many jobs and careers and finally after a trip to Paris finding his heart and soul in art. First of all he was an interior designer displaying rugs and furniture at exhibitions. However, what i love Francis Bacon for is his art pieces.
Bacon used a variety of materials to create his pieces and they were often shocking and enlightening for his time. They often had colourful backgrounds with a strong pen and ink coming through the paper and he often used gouache paint to allow the colours to really stand out strongly.
One of Bacon's own favourite pieces that he did and one of mine also was 'wound for a crucifixion' (top image) This expresses the bright colours mixed with deep blacks and ink very well and the feeling and intent behind the picture at the time would have been very ground breaking. He was one of the first painters to dare into the world of abstract and for his subject matter to be bold and opinionated.
I think Bacon's style has had alot of effect on artists even to this day, the way he paints and creates his pieces is still a very fashionable look now and therefore i believe he must be one of the most influencial artists of the 20th century to create a style within abstract that has stuck for such a long period of time.

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