Monday, 1 September 2008

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

"How happy is the vestal's lot. The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each pray'r accepted, each wish resign'd"

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my all time favourite films. It must have been one of the most complicated films to shoot, direct and edit for a very long time in my opinion. The whole film is memories that are slowly erasing. Sets are constantly falling apart as the actors are in them, they flip from place to place and repeat scenes often with less content then they had in the first time.

The quote above is what the film is basically about. A couple that erase each other so they can just get over each other once and for all. The quote implies what the film shows, there is peace on a mind that knows no other complications-forgotten memories do not need to be moved on from. However, twists and turns within this film make it harder and harder for memories to be erased and with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet running around Joel's (Carrey's character) mind trying to stop the erasing for the whole film, you get to see their relationship from beginning to what appears to be the end.

I had never seen Jim Carrey in a serious role before and he shocked me actually, i think he managed to bring just the right amount of humour in rather than he usual goofy ways and really brought some emotion to the part. Kate Winslet is also amazing as the slightly mad character of Clementine who matches her hair colour to basically what mood she is in. She was nominated for an Oscar for the role but instead it went to the writing team of the film for 'Best writing and orignal screen play'.

Although this film should appear to be rather complicated to keep up with, it actually flows very well, much to the amazing skills of the editor Valdis Oskarsdottir and the special effects expert Mark Bero who must have had the patience of a saint to put together every little detail from every scene and gel them together to make perfect sense. I have put the trailer from the film below to see some snippets from it...

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