Monday, 1 September 2008

Sean Henry- Man with potential selves

These are three bronze figures that are in Newcastle's city centre. They were produced by a man named Sean Henry who is known for placing sculpures of life sized people into urban areas and waiting for a reaction.
Henry has put figures all across the world in various situations and cities. People standing up, lying down, heads on walls, holding children. He also does oil paintings of people in the same style but his sculptures have created his real fame and talking point. They are situated often in city centres as this obviously gives Henry the biggest reaction back to his work but he has been known to put his sculptures into forest areas, play grounds etc. Every situation holding a different reaction for Henrys work.
This particular statue comes in three parts, the three potential parts of a man. One where the man is stood still, another where he is walking and the final one where he is balanced on his elbow.
I decided to talk about these statues because i believe that they are something a little different to the norm. They stand out in Newcastles city centre yet blend in at the same time. Tradtional sculpures and statues have their place but when talking about how something really has an impact, the man with potential selves seems to stand out in the crowd.
These pieces are lifesized, when you are walking down a busy street they look just like everybody else, until you see the one balancing on his elbow, not an everyday skill. Many people bump into them and apologise whilst still going on their way and not realising what they have even done. After an inital reaction of wonderment from alot of the locals these figures have become a liked and admired part of the town-and often a source of amusement too.

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