Tuesday, 2 September 2008

The Baltic

Mariko Mori

Yoshitomo Nara + Graf

The Baltic is a contempory visual art gallery on Gatesheads Quayside. I really love going to The Baltic because it's alot different to other art galleries. Instead of concentrating on how one piece or painting looks they have alot of artists who design a whole room or area around their pieces too. The art is everywhere, even whilst you are going up the stairs you will be greeted with a series of artwork that is matching to that area.
They have alot of installation art within the gallery which i love. Seeing how each piece is developed in parts or recorded and shown interests me alot and i think often can be alot more stimulating to people then just staring at a piece of paper. Also, The Baltic has no permanent exhibition so everytime that you go in something new is beaming back at you, every one of them unique and often quite puzzling. They have big artists and not so well known ones, they choose their displays on talent rather than fame.
The two pictures above are examples of what is on at The Baltic now. Mariko Mori is a Japanese artist who in her exhibition is showing her opinion of an invisible world and our consciousness within it. Yoshitomo Nara and Graf (a design company) have designed the second exhibition which is a series of characters displayed on everyday objects and situations, showing in a very bold way how art can fit into everyday life.

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