Sunday, 31 August 2008

Kyle Jones

I have been trying to find a graphic designer that has a broad subject of work, work that i like and could relate to and a great website. I actually surprisingly found this alot harder than i thought i would. There seems to be alot of graphic designers websites out there that look exactly the same, all very sparse, soft colours, their name written elaborately across the top of the page...It makes you forget who is who as they all blend into one.
However, when i fell upon Kyle Jone's website i found myself clicking around it, playing all his motion pieces and just generally taking an interest. His work is a big part of my interest as he has alot to do with motion and illustration. His work is really welcoming, lots of big and bold illustrations and motions with bright colours and daring features and backgrounds. I particularly like the poster he did for using other modes of transport and being green (the middle picture). I think it captures the essence of the subject well.
I also like the feeling on Kyle Jone's website. It's professional but also has alot more humour in then some other graphic designers website, even things such as his introduction on the home page being 'Howdy!' puts you in a good mood as you are clicking around the site.
Kyle Jones has alot of work to show and also a section on his site called 'My life in pictures' which is partly to do with his work but partly about his personal life, he even has about when he started a blog for his work on this blog website.

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