Friday, 22 August 2008

24 - probably the best show ever made.

I have been a HUGE fan of 24 since day one. It's coming up to season number seven and if LA would stop having forest fires, writers would stop going on strikes and Kiefer Sutherland would stop getting himself put in prison, it would have been here alot sooner!
The show first became famous for it's new layout that TV shows had not seen much of before. The whole show is set on a split screen zooming in on various story lines and then back out to change over. This choice of editing allows the show to run very smoothly and for the viewer to keep up with the many complicated storylines but it also keeps a very formal and professional look to what is appearing on screen and therefore represents what the show is about and who it involves very well.
When going on the 24 website i discovered that it was set out in a similar way. The pictures above show how it's box layout with dark backgrounds and bright colours for font etc all are part of 24's unique structure. It is very busy yet organised, much the same as the show.

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